Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Video About Me!!

Video About Me

Hi guys, so today I wanted to talk about a video that Ashleythemkbeauty on YouTube did about me. Now some of you might remember her from a post I did before. Where I talked about her and how she has inspired me with Mary Kay. When I did the post, I messaged her on Facebook and told her about it, because I wanted to make sure that it was alright with her. So I sent her the link and she looked at it and told me that she had loved it. I have no words that can describe how excited I was to hear that she liked my post about her. She has been through a lot and I look up to her, especially when it comes to Mary Kay. She has had her ups and downs in this business, but she doesn't give up. She stays strong and always fights through everything. When I see that she posted a video of me I was so excited I couldn't stop smiling, especially while I watched it. I probably looked silly, just sitting in my desk with a big smile on my face starring at the computer. It was one of the best days ever, I went around showing it to my whole family and telling all my friends about it. I know for some people its probably not that big of a deal, but it was to me. I really appreciate her taking the time of the day to sit and say a little about me. It really means a lot and I am going to treasure that video for ever.

Ashley if you happen to stop by again to take a look at my blog, I just want you to know that I am so thankful for the video. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just wanted to introduce my self; I am Jackie Menendez an Origami Owl Independent Designer. Origami Owl is a social selling jewelry business. Create a Living Locket™ with custom designed charms that tell the story of your life and represent the things you love. I wanted to share a locket that could represent you as a Mary Kay Consultant. If you are interested, please take a look at my website. If you know any other Mary Kay Consultants that may be interested, please feel free to share this with them

    Thank you very much!
